Mijello Mission Gold Mijello is a Korean company who make Mission Gold watercolors. They come in 126 colors now. Their watercolors are made in traditional Korean pots. I absolutely love knowing the process paints are made from. It actually does make a difference on how the paints react and how they last. I’ll be talking mostly about the Mijello Mission Gold 36… View Post
DIY Watercolor Bookmarks
DIY Watercolor Bookmarks Are you a bookaholic? I know I am, most of my home is covered by books. One problem I always seem to run into is not having bookmark to save my page. I also don’t always find bookmarks that spark my fancy. So, one day I decided it was time to DIY watercolor bookmarks. No more recipes,… View Post
Intro to Mixed Media Collage
Let’s Create Mixed Media Collage artwork I firmly believe that anyone is capable of creating beautiful mixed media collages. Creating mixed media collages is like building a your very own world. You can take bits from from magazines, old post cards, tags, other art, and transform it into something magical and all your own. Does this sound fun? I hope… View Post
watercolor pumpkin tutorial
Watercolor Pumpkin Tutorial It’s fall! Bring our your pumpkins! This is the time to indulge cozy sweaters, deep rich, oranges and reds. It’s a time to celebrate Thanksgiving and all the fun that comes with it. Autumn is my all time favorite season. Pumpkins are everywhere, they’re in our cookies and in our coffee. Let’s embrace them and make some… View Post
How to Paint Watercolor Skin Tones
How to Paint skin tones in watercolor Do you struggle with skin tones? Do you find your watercolor skin tones are flat or just not quite right? I know I had that problem for a very long time. However, I found mixing watercolor skin tones wasn’t that hard and a whole new world opened up to me. Painting watercolor portraits… View Post